======================= TOP GUN: HORNET'S NEST Demo 16 October 1998 ======================= Welcome to the Top Gun: Hornet's Nest demo. This demo will give the player a taste of the upcoming full version, which includes 30 exciting missions spanning three different theaters, instant action, and multiplayer support so you can dogfight your friends over a LAN, Internet, modem and at MSN Gaming Zone. Top Gun: Hornet's Nest is a great game to introduce new players to flight simulation. It will give you the fast action, high-flying experience in the role of Maverick. System Requirements ================= IBM 166MHz Pentium or faster Windows 95 or Windows 98 DirectX6 32MB RAM High Color graphics for 640 x 480 x 16-bit color Hard drive (93MB free plus 75MB free for swap file) DirectX-compatible sound card Recommended ------------------- 3-D graphics accelerator card Joystick recommended DirectX ---------- Top Gun: Hornet's Nest requires version 6.0 of DirectX. If you do not already have it installed, please download it from Microsoft's Web site at www.microsoft.com/directx/download.asp. Graphics Accelerators ------------------------------ Supported 3-D graphics accelerators include: 3Dfx Voodoo 3Dfx Voodoo 2 3Dfx Voodoo Rush 3Dfx Banshee Permedia 2 Matrox G200 Intel i740 Nvidea Riva128 Nvidea TNT PowerVR Note: Other 3-D accelerators may operate properly, but we currently have only tested the cards listed. If you play the game and your PC locks up or the graphics on the screen are corrupted, you most likely are using an unsupported 3-D accelerator card. To fix this, restart the game demo, click on the menu bar and select "Options." Then click on "Accelerator" and select the "Software - GameZ" option to run in software rendering mode. Installation ========= To install the Top Gun: Hornet's Nest demo, double-click the TopGunHornet'sNestDemoXXX.exe file. The demo will automatically be decompressed. Follow the onscreen directions. The demo will install to the default directory of Games\MicroProse\TopGunHornet'sNestDemo. You can install the demo to a different directory if desired. Loading ====== To load the demo, select the Start menu. Then select MicroProse > TopGunHornet'sNestDemo > Run TopGunHornet'sNestDemo. Game Instructions ============== When you start the game, it brings up an opening window with a menu bar at the top. The game is automatically configured for the correct settings for playing the game. Joystick ----------- If you have a joystick, you need to enable the joystick from the menu. Select "Options," then "Joystick" to place a checkmark next to "Joystick." This tells the game you have a joystick connected. Note: If you are having trouble controlling the plane with your joystick, you may need to recalibrate your joystick. Do this by going in the Windows Control Panel. Select "Game Controllers" and then "Properties." Click the Calibrate button and follow the onscreen instructions. Gameplay ------------- To begin, click on "Game" from the menu bar and then select "New Game" to start the demo. The Main Menu will appear next. Select "Single Player." You may enter your pilot name by backspacing over "Maverick" and typing a new name. Press "Start" at the bottom of the screen. After the Briefing has loaded, press any key. Once you're at the Armament screen, click the "Take Off" button to start the mission. The demo has two missions. You must complete the first mission before you can play the second one. Getting Started -------------------- Once you are in the plane, take off. If you're on the runway, turn on the afterburners by pressing the "A" key. Pull back on the joystick once you're fast enough. If you're on the aircraft carrier, press the Spacebar. Once you're in the air, look at your radar screen (in the lower left-hand corner of your cockpit). Maneuver your jet so that the red units (which are enemies) are within the red circle on the radar display. The red circle represents the maximum range of the currently selected weapon. Next, get the enemy between the bars that extend from the center of the radar to the two top corners. When the enemy is within this area, your selected weapon should be able to lock onto him. Fire your missiles when you see "Shoot" on the Head-Up Display. How to Exit the Demo ---------------------------- To exit the demo, press Esc to exit the simulation first. Then select "Main Menu" and "Quit." Joystick Commands -------------------------- Pitch Down Forward Pitch Up Back Bank Left Left Bank Right Right Fire Guns Button 1 Fire Missile Button 2 Next Target Button 3 Decrease Throttle Button 4 Hat Switch Snap Views Keyboard Commands ---------------------------- Pitch Down Up Arrow Pitch Up Down Arrow Bank Left Left Arrow Bank Right Right Arrow Auto-Level M Rudder Left < or numeric keypad 0 Rudder Right > or numeric keypad . Flaps F Gear G Brakes B or Del Fire Guns Spacebar Fire Missile Ctrl Fire Boresight Missile Shift-Ctrl Weapons Hardpoint 1 F1 Weapons Hardpoint 2 F2 Weapons Hardpoint 3 F3 Weapons Hardpoint 4 F4 Belly Weapon (Bombs) F5 Gun Ammo Type 1 F6 Gun Ammo Type 2 F7 Toggle Weapons Mode (A-A to A-G) Tab Next Weapon X Previous Weapon Shift-X Next Target Z Previous Target Shift-Z Select Nearest Target N Chaff C Flare V Chaff and Flare PgDn Throttle 0% ~ Throttle 30% 1 Throttle 60% 2 Throttle 70% 3 Throttle 80% 4 Throttle 90% 5 Throttle 100% 6 Afterburner A or End Decrease Throttle S or - Increase Throttle D or + Change Radar Range R Cycle MFD T ILS Auto-Land I Launch from Carrier Spacebar Next Waypoint W Previous Waypoint Q Toggle between Waypoint and Target E Toggle Inset H Cockpit/Chase/HUD Only View F8 Satellite View F9 Look Back View F10 Right Outside View F11 Left Outside View F12 Flyby View \ Virtual Cockpit J or numeric keypad / Snap View K or numeric keypad * Padlock View L or numeric keypad - Virtual Cockpit Left Up 45 7 (numeric keypad) Virtual Cockpit Up 8 (numeric keypad) Virtual Cockpit Right Up 45 9 (numeric keypad) Virtual Cockpit Left 4 (numeric keypad) Virtual Cockpit Center 5 (numeric keypad) Virtual Cockpit Right 6 (numeric keypad) Virtual Cockpit Left Down 45 1 (numeric keypad) Virtual Cockpit Down 2 (numeric keypad) Virtual Cockpit Right Down 45 3 (numeric keypad) Snap View Left Up 45 7 (numeric keypad) Snap View Up 8 (numeric keypad) Snap View Right Up 45 9 (numeric keypad) Snap View Left 4 (numeric keypad) Snap View Center 5 (numeric keypad) Snap View Right 6 (numeric keypad) Snap View Rear Left Up 45 1 (numeric keypad) Snap View Rear 2 (numeric keypad) Snap View Rear Right Up 45 3 (numeric keypad) Pause/Options Menu Esc or P Toggle Time Compression Backspace